Published on: 08/10/20
NHS England has significantly expanded the flu vaccination programme, aiming to vaccinate those "at risk" including children with learning disabilities.
Published on: 08/10/20
At-risk groups entitled to a free flu vaccination this year include children, carers, people with learning disabilities and adults with long-term health and medical conditions.
The charity, Contact, is urging families of disabled children and young people to make sure they know flu jab arrangements, as new analysis by Public Health England highlights the increased risk of having coronavirus with flu.
Amanda Elliot, Contact's strategic health lead, urges families to make sure their young person with learning disabilities is on their GP's learning disability register and to Contact your GP surgery if you don't hear about flu jab arrangements soon.
She said: "Getting an annual flu jab is one way to make sure young people with learning disabilities stay well and healthy. This is particularly important as new evidence suggests having both Covid and the flu is even more dangerous for vulnerable people."
We want to remind families that they can request that their GP Practice makes reasonable adjustments if their young person struggles to attend the surgery or receive the vaccine."