Football’s Premier League to trial permanent concussion substitutes

Recommendations from IFAB’s concussion expert group will allow substitutes for players with actual or suspected concussion. 

Published on: 20/01/21

The Premier League has announced it will introduce the International Football Association Board's (IFAB) additional permanent concussion substitutions trial.

This will mean that a maximum of two concussion substitutes can be used per team, with the opposition side able to use the equivalent number. Additional concussion substitutions may be made regardless of the number of substitutions a team have made already.

The shareholders vote took place today, making the Premier League the first competition to approve permanent concussion substitutes. The start date has not yet been announced.

Understanding concussion

Natalie Martlew and Katy Rodgers from The Children’s Trust talk about concussion in a piece in Enable Magazine.

A sporting chance in concussion fight

NR Times has published research by Dr Stacy Suskauer on sports-related concussion in children. Dr Suskauer is speaking at The Children’s Trust national conference in September.