Give it Back campaign

The Sun newspaper has launched the Give it Back campaign today, demanding the government give back funding to families of disabled children.

DCP infographic that reads: only 4% of parents carers feel they get the right support to safely care for their disabled child

Published on: 03/06/19

The campaign which is being supported by The Disabled Children’s Partnership (DCP) is urging the public to sign a letter to the Chancellor.

The letter, initiated by families of disabled children and backed by the DCP, demands the government gives back the £434 million owed to them in social care, support and provision. It also asks for disabled children to be seen as a priority for government.

The DCP is a coalition of more than 60 charities, of which The Children’s Trust – the UK’s leading charity for children with brain injury – is a founding member.

DCP’s survey of 3,424 families with disabled children, carried out during April found:

  • only (4%) of parent carers feel they get the right support to safely care for their disabled children.
  • more than half (54%) of parent carers have been treated by a GP for depression, anxiety or stress (including suicidal thoughts). 
  • 53% of parent carers have been forced to give up a paid job to care for their disabled child. 
  • 40% of parent carers have experienced relationship breakdown with a partner since diagnosis. 64% of those say a lack of support had a major impact on the breakdown of a relationship. 
  • more than a third (37%) of parent carers say their disabled child has missed school or college because the staff or services are not available to support them. 
  • a third (33%) of parent carers say their disabled child has been in unnecessary extra pain because the right equipment, doctor or health service hasn’t been available.

Sign the letter to show your support here.
You can read the full story here.