Is Anna OK? – virtual reality film on brain injury by Headway and BBC Stories

The BBC’s virtual reality (VR) experience explores brain injury based on the lives of 20-year-old twins Anna and Lauren.

Published on: 29/10/18

The girls’ lives were changed when a car accident left Anna with a brain injury. This causes Anna short term memory loss, affects her perceptions, and changes her personality.

The VR film explains the brain injury from each of the girl’s perspectives.

You can read how Headway supported BBC Stories in the film’s creation. Anna’s story also features on Headway’s website in its Brain injury and me section as the charity has supported Anna in her ongoing recovery (there is a film too).

Is Anna OK? has been featured at film and technology festivals across the country, including Edinburgh TV Festival, Sheffield Documentary Festival, and the 2018 Raindance Film Festival, where it was shortlisted for two awards.

You can also read Is Anna OK? online.