Published on: 10/02/21
The LYG Virtual Inclusive Games launched on Tuesday 9 February encouraging young disabled Londoners to take part in an eight-week virtual challenge series where they can set, film, complete and share sport-related challenges.
The Games features inclusive challenges set by young disabled people, which include suggested adaptations so that as many young Londoners as possible can get involved.
Andy Dalby-Welsh, LYG CEO, said: “The LYG Virtual Inclusive Games come at a critical time for young disabled Londoners. This has been highlighted by the Activity Alliance’s latest Annual Disability and Activity Survey, which shows a worrying decline in activity levels among disabled people during the pandemic.”
Activity Alliance’s Annual Disability and Activity Survey, released earlier this week, reveals twice as many disabled people feel that coronavirus has greatly reduced their ability to do sport or physical activity compared to non-disabled people.
The survey also shows that almost a quarter of disabled people believe they had not received enough information about how to be active during the pandemic, and that for many, a lack of activity has led to a deterioration in both physical and mental wellbeing.
Three different challenges are released each week for eight weeks. Whilst the competition is open to all young Londoners to participate, the challenges are set by young disabled people to raise awareness of the importance of disabled people remaining active and to celebrate their achievements. To participate in the LYG Virtual Inclusive Games, young Londoners must complete the challenges and submit their scores via the London Youth Games website.
Challenges are released every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9am via the London Youth Games website and social media channels. Participants then have until Monday at 12pm to complete the challenges and submit their scores. There will be a winning borough, athlete ambassadors and individual prizes to win.