Parents share their advice

It’s the start of Action for Brain Injury Week so we asked parents to share their tips – from one parent to another.

Published on: 14/05/18

We’re supporting Headway’s theme for this year ‘You, me and brain injury’.

The 2018 campaign aims to show the dramatic ripple effect that can be caused by brain injury, impacting not only the individual but also the lives of partners, family, members, friends and even colleagues.

At the Brain Injury Hub we’re focusing on the relationship between parents and children and caught up with parents asking:

'If you had one piece of advice to share with another parent what would it be?'

Several parents spoke about embracing life:

  • ‘Your child still has huge potential for an amazing life… they just need to have more rest-time and naps while they go about it (and will probably need reminding to take them!).’ Anne

  • 'Let your child embrace life, try to enjoy every single moment you have with them.' Lesley

For many of the parents, the advice was about time, with comments including:

  • ‘Take each day as it comes.’ Carolyne
  • ‘One day at a time. Their happiness is the most important thing.’ Sharron
  • ‘Take it one day at a time and make some wonderful memories.’ Liz
  • ‘Minute by minute and never give up believing their potential.’ Virginia

Hopefully these tips will be useful – we also spoke to mum Clare this week who has put together a list of the things she’s learnt following her child’s acquired brain injury a year ago.

You can also find more information about bringing up a child with an acquired brain injury here.