Assault: Mike

Q&A with Mike who sustained a brain injury following an assault 10 years ago when he was 19 years old.

Published: October 2015. Published: February 2017. Date of brain injury: 2007, aged 19 years

How did your brain injury happen?

I was 'king hit' outside a night club, someone without warning delivered a one hit blow to my head.

Initially I suffered post-traumatic amnesia, a state of confusion that occurs immediately following a traumatic brain injury. During that time you don't think about much, you just deal with the feelings you have at the time.

What was your experience of rehabilitation?

Rehab was a big hurdle but it went well and I retrained as an engineer. But after starting employment, headaches started which progressed into daily migraines.

Most people wouldn't know about my brain injury until they see a large scar on my cranium and I have a little left sided weakness.

I remember seeing a man when I was a teenager with identical injury to myself; I was shocked by the scar.

What long term effects have you experienced?

Now I live in Thailand and still suffer from headaches so I don't push the employment situation to hard, yes my mind may still work as well as an unaffected individual but other people can make life difficult especially when you can achieve the job as well or better than they can; jealousy is a curse.

I still find I am lacking some confidence (unlike prior to my brain injury). I also have some mood issues, epilepsy and concentration issues.

What are your expectations and hopes for the future?

I've called it quits for the employment aspect of life, the realisation that I'm incapable but I did my best. Maybe I can perhaps achieve a hobby type job which will relieve the financial burden on my young family and give me something productive to do daily.

What advice would you give to others after brain injury?

It's a hard life, a brain injury just makes it a lot harder. Do not treat them any differently, they'll know and will have feelings of animosity. Hang in there, don't listen to anyone who puts you down, good things can eventuate from the disastrous accident and life goes on. I wish anyone well who's suffered a similar issue.


A look at some of the key issues for children and young people who develop epilepsy following a brain injury.