In 2006, at the age of 14, Becki was hit by a car. Fifteen years on, she has published My new brain and I, her poetry book sharing her recovery from her brain injury and life with her new brain (read more in Becki's first Brain Injury Hub blog).
One of the poems written focuses on Becki’s parents. Becki has shared her poem and explains how life was immediately after her brain injury.
Poet’s notes – by Becki

I have always known I had the best parents, but how they managed to deal with the events of the accident I will never understand. I am the eldest of 3, so when I was plugged into life support and in rehab care they were also having to parent my younger brother and sister, juggle work and deal with all the emotions they felt at that time.
We have all been affected mentally from what happened, it was a very odd few years. The stress and strains it would have all brought to them could have broken them, but I think as a family it made us all stronger.
My parents each did a week with me when I was moved to Tadworth Court for my residential rehabilitation. They would then pick me up every Friday evening and drive me back home for the weekend before bringing me back on Sunday night and listen to me cry because I didn’t want them to go.
They are the best role models a girl could have and I hope I am half as good as they are at being a parent. I will forever love them and be grateful for everything they have done and the support they have given myself and my brother and sister.
This is my poem:

My parents
They sat with me in hospital
Waiting for me to wake
They needed to hear how bad it is
What changes they will need to make
They held my hand down to theatre
Then help brush my matted hair
They took me around the grounds
Pushing me in my chair
They were frightened, but they were brave
When life put them to the test
They truly are without a doubt
My parents, they’re the best.
You can read more about Becki’s new poetry book and how writing has helped her following her brain injury in her first blog. The book is available on Amazon as an e-version (£1) and in print (£6).
Becki is currently writing her next book and is on Instagram posting about her brain injury.