Caretech visit

New partnership to develop cutting-edge rehabilitation technology

Published on: 23/08/22

Fundraising General Partnerships


We are delighted to announce a new partnership with the CareTech Foundation, worth £150,000.

The generous grant takes The Children’s Trust one step closer to buying a cutting-edge robotic aided gait trainer (RAGT), which would be the first of its kind to be used in a paediatric setting in the UK. 

For a child with an acquired brain injury and who needs help to perform even basic tasks, this equipment gives them the opportunity to to regain independence and lost skills, helping them learn how to walk again.  

The new partnership builds on the existing relationship between the organisations, as The Children’s Trust already uses the Foundation’s largest donor, CareTech PLC’s subsidiary, Smartbox’s, technology, which assists with augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). 

Evidence is growing around the use of robotics to support physical therapy and rehabilitation goals. Integrating traditional therapies with robotics technology could change the future for children with brain injury and neurodisability. 

Over the last year The Children’s Trust has invested in some upper and lower limb robotics technology to assist with young people’s rehabilitation therapy. This has already had a positive impact on not only the children’s physical goals, giving greater freedom of movement, but also their social interaction and wellbeing.   

Currently, there are no facilities within the UK that offer a full suite of equipment that is specifically designed and scaled for children, and the charity’s ambition is to pioneer and shape the use of robotics for children, driving innovation and change.  

The CareTech Foundation was established in 2017, as the first ever grant-making corporate foundation in the social care sector. The Foundation delivers meaningful impact to communities in the UK and overseas by supporting and championing the social care sector, care workers and those living in care. It is committed to working with renowned and credible partners that align with its key impact areas and help to improve and change people’s lives.  

Dalton Leong, Chief Executive of The Children’s Trust, said:  “We are extremely grateful for this generous grant from the CareTech Foundation, and excited to be pioneering robotics-aided rehabilitation for children in the UK. 

"Together, we can ensure that young people have access to cutting-edge technology that has the potential to help them regain lost skills and independence. In partnership with CareTech we look forward to using our shared expertise to transform outcomes for children and young people.”

Jonathan Freeman MBE, CEO of the CareTech Foundation, said: “We are delighted to support The Children’s Trust with a grant to develop robotics-aided technology, which will have a life-changing impact on the lives of children in the UK.

"This support will move The Children’s Trust closer to buying a robotic aided gait trainer which could potentially revolutionise the lives of children with brain injury or neurodisability. It will also play a huge role in shaping how these injuries and disabilities are managed in the future. This technology is a game-changer and we are excited to be a part of it!” 

Hamza Sheikh, Digital Investments Director at CareTech PLC and a Trustee of the CareTech Foundation, said: “We are excited to partner with The Children’s Trust on this exciting new opportunity emerging as part of the robotics programme. The Children’s Trust and CareTech PLC have a fruitful relationship already through Smartbox and the partnership with the Foundation allows us to grow our synergy through more collaboration across a range of disciplines.”