Oly bell ringing

Oly celebrates his rehabilitation journey with moving speech

Published on: 23/08/24


13-year-old, Oly, from Birmingham, fell off his scooter on 13 February 2024. He was rushed to Birmingham Children’s Hospital where he was unconscious for three days. Oly’s accident resulted in a bleed to the right-hand side of his brain, which impacted the left-hand side of his body. Unable to walk, talk or eat, Oly spent a further three months at Birmingham Children’s Hospital, learning, in Oly’s words, “how to live my life again. I had to learn how to tie my shoelaces. To brush my teeth.”

On 18 July 2024, Oly came to The Children’s Trust for a six-week programme of intensive rehabilitation.  

Oly shoes

Friday 23 August marked the end of his rehabilitation at The Children’s Trust, with a bell-ringing ceremony, celebrating the end of this phase of his rehabilitation journey. He chose to do a speech, inspired by, Charlie Fogarty who he met on his first day at The Children’s Trust.   

In Oly’s words

“When I arrived at The Children’s Trust, I was very nervous and anxious, but as time went on, I met some amazing people who I would be with throughout my six-week journey.  

I wanted to say a massive thank you to the therapy team and the staff on Oak House who always made sure we had something to do, (except the person who woke me up 😊).  

I have seen a massive improvement within my arm and hand, which has got stronger and more movement. And I have learned more about how I work and how my brain works. It’s not just the physio that is involved, it is also the things around it, like the environment, trips and games, also the care we have been given - not only the support of the therapy team and the house, a big thank you goes to my dad, mum and sister for the support they have given me for the last seven months. Without them being there to cheer me on and tell me it is going to be ok, I would not have made it this far.  

I also have one more thank you to give. I promise this is the last one. It goes to Jai, without him I don’t think I would be able to push myself to have the happy days and I am thankful for the time we had. So thank you to everyone and goodbye.”