Working wonders
Published on: 10/02/23
We marked Occupational Therapy Week in November by recognising the crucial role our specialist team of occupational therapists play in giving children greater independence in their lives.
People may associate occupational therapy with doing exercises after breaking a bone or recovering after an operation. Here at The Children’s Trust, occupational therapy is about helping children to improve their ability to do everyday tasks, which may be difficult due to their brain injury or neurodisability.
Building skills
For example, a child may have difficulties with their morning routine, like dressing themselves. They may struggle with the ‘sequencing’ of a task – doing practical, everyday things in the right order.
We help a child to break down the process into detailed steps. We work with them on sensory skills needed to pick out clothes, and on the movements and organisational skills to get the clothes in the right order. Members of our team use fun activities to improve a child’s coordination and balance, which are also involved in getting dressed.