Parallel 2022

Join this fully inclusive virtual mass participation event

26 June 2022

Great Windsor Park

Challenges Sporting Events

The whole family are invited to join together and take on a range of distances – 100m, 5K, or 10K and the innovative Super Sensory 1K – against the stunning backdrop of Windsor Great Park. You can run, walk, wheel, cycle and buddies (carers) are welcome too. What’s better, there are no cut off times: start together, finish whenever! 

As well as the physical bit, there’s also a fantastic festival of inclusivity for you and your team mates to enjoy once you’ve finished your challenge. And, because the focus is on inclusion, the organisers will have catered for all your needs, including changing areas, accessibility and quiet zones.

To join The Children’s Trust Squad, fill in the form below. We ask for £10 to secure your place and whilst there’s no minimum sponsorship, we ask you to raise what you can.