Stroke and brain haemorrhage: Lewis
Lewis, aged 13, has had a number of strokes since the age of seven and a brain haemorrhage in 2019. Mum Sharon shares their story.
Lewis, aged 13, has had a number of strokes since the age of seven and a brain haemorrhage in 2019. Mum Sharon shares their story.
In June 2011 Indiana, known as Indy, was born prematurely at 26 weeks. Mum Sasha shares their story.
Amelia shares her blog on her trip to The Enchanted Journey of light, with Bleu, her Emotional Support Dog.
With the festive season fast approaching, we’re sharing 10 ideas for Christmas fun and trying something a little different.
Jake had a brain injury last year following a brain tumour. To help other young people during this time, he’s shared his advice on keeping busy despite the restrictions of lockdown and tiers.
Therapist Amy gives us some inspiring adaptive tech ideas that are great for birthdays and Christmas.
Frequent seizures led to a diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis for five-year-old Amelia. Mum Sophie shares their story.
Brother Noah has made the film 'Teeny - 1 year on... ' to show the year following Teeny's brain injury at the age of nine.
Kavita had a subarachnoid brain haemorrhage in 2015. She now uses her experience to support others with brain injuries through blogging and giving motivational talks in schools and for charity.
Becki was 14 when she sustained a brain injury after being knocked down. She talks candidly about how her brain injury affected her periods, relationships and starting a family.