Embracing adulthood
At our school, we continually review the transition to Year 9 as part of the journey of the School's Self-Evaluation Form (SEF).
Our journey
- Onward placement – Woodstown House, Banstead
- The NASS Awards recognised our innovative sensory careers and enterprise initiatives, including our first careers fair, which prepares students for life from the earliest stages with meaningful, school-wide activities

- Hosted the 'Enabling Adulthood' transition fair, which featured over 10 external providers, including Paul Baker, an expert from Surrey's Local Authority
- Sensory careers opportunities and experiences delivered meaningfully under the Gatsby Career Benchmarks
- Onward placements to Close Care, The Jacob Centre and Orchard Manor

- Onward placements: own home with care package / Haberdashers / Macadamia Care
- Developed a short term temporary ‘bridging the gap' offer to support the transition process
- Secured community links for Sixth Form young people to further establish social enterprise projects
- Onward placements: High Hurlands / Chailey / Orchard Manor / Hillders Development with review of completed transition at 6 months and 12 months
- Updated the Information booklet on transition / preparing for adulthood process
- Scoped a ‘bridging the gap’ offer for students 19+ awaiting transition date
- Onward placements: Martha Trust / Haberdashers / High Hurlands / SeeAbility Heather House
- Hosted virtual coffee transition meeting for Year 9 families
- School Development subject specialist work on Sixth Form / participation in the community
- Onward placements: Holy Cross / SeeAbility Heather House/ Orchard Manor – Aurora group
- Hosted events to help signpost families to support transition
- The Children's Trust social worker coordinator leads on driving the transition plan forward
- Hosted a second transition fair
- Onward placements: High Hurlands / Wilton House, Somerset
- The school provided transition workshops aimed to support parents
- Transition Review leaflets created to support the ongoing planning to adult life
- Preparation for Adulthood reviews planned
- Built a substantial database of onward placements
- Onward placements: Park House / Rapkyns / Melbreck
Jan 2016
- Ensured that those aged over 19 are grouped into an age-respectful environment where we can deliver the SEND Code of Practice 19-25
- Established plans for appropriate transitions to adult placements
- Hosted a transition fair which was attended by exhibitors and outside agencies