Star balloon outside of The Children's Trust School

Safeguarding at the School

The Governors and staff recognise their responsibilities and statutory duty placed upon them to have secure arrangements in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of all our pupils. We acknowledge that everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play.

Our safeguarding policy sets out the responsibilities, reporting and investigating procedures for protecting adults and children.

People whose circumstances make them vulnerable to abuse: 

  • Children and young people 
  • Adults who by reason of physical, sensory or mental impairments or those with learning disabilities who require community services and may be at risk of exploitation or harm.


Safeguarding Vision Statement

We are committed to working together across organisational boundaries to ensure risks are minimised, well managed and children are protected from harm and abuse in modern Britain.

The Safeguarding team

Launa Randles, Head of School

Launa Randles

DSL and Whistleblowing Lead

Launa as the designated safeguard lead takes the lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection (including online safety) for all children attending The Children’s Trust School.

Maruzaan Hanlon, Deputy Head teacher

Maruzaan Hanlon

Deputy DSL  

Maz is the designated teacher for looked after children and previously looked after children and does work with local authorities to promote the educational achievement of registered pupils who are looked after.  Maz is the named DDSL for early years.

Elaine Lush, Business and Admin Manager

Elaine Lush

Deputy DSL 

Elaine's delegated duties include online safety and safer recruitment

Toby Mullins

Safeguarding Governor

Safeguarding Governor

Launa Randles, Head of School

Launa Randles

DSL and Whistleblowing Lead

Launa as the designated safeguard lead takes the lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection (including online safety) for all children attending The Children’s Trust School.

Maruzaan Hanlon, Deputy Head teacher

Maruzaan Hanlon

Deputy DSL  

Maz is the designated teacher for looked after children and previously looked after children and does work with local authorities to promote the educational achievement of registered pupils who are looked after. 
Maz is the named DDSL for early years.

Elaine Lush, Business and Admin Manager

Elaine Lush

Deputy DSL 

Elaine's delegated duties include online safety and safer recruitment

Toby Mullins

Safeguarding Governor

Safeguarding Governor

During the term time the designated safeguard lead (or a deputy) is always available (during school hours) to discuss any safeguard concerns. Please contact

In the absence of DSL/DDSL (out of school hours) and in the absence of House Manager / Matron/ Head of Nursing staff are prepared to refer directly to Surrey C-SPA (and the police if appropriate) if there is the potential for significant harm.

Safeguarding guidance and policies

Statutory guidance Keeping Children safe in Education

Adult Protection and Safeguarding SOP

Children Act 1989 

Children Act 2004 

Child protection and safeguarding policy

Child protection and safeguarding procedure (SOP)

Working Together to Safeguard Children, 2018, (HM Government) 

What to do if you are worried a child is being abused, 2015, (HM Government) 

Keeping Children Safe in Education 

Information Sharing: advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services 2018 

Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures Manual 

Care and Support statutory guidance 

Teacher Standards

Prevent duty Training e-learning

Low level concerns school policy 

Safer recruitment policy

Mental capacity act, best interest and deprivation of liberty safeguards policy

School behaviour - Code of conduct

Online safety policy

Visitor policy and statement of purpose (SOP)

Whistleblowing policy

Online Safety

As a school we need to ensure the children are safe in their learning. We understand the need of age-respectful, meaningful, and accessible technology and the essential need to safeguard from potentially harmful and inappropriate online material. 
With an effective approach to online safety, we ensure the staff monitor safe use of all devices and understand how to identify, intervene in, and escalate any concerns. We recognise the adults around the child and their behaviours are key and they must take an active role in creating/maintaining the safe learning environment.

Online safety policy

The Children's Trust Children's safety online procedure


Further reading

•    CEOP Education's
•    Child Exploitation disruption toolkit
•    Childnet — Online safety for young people
•    Childline
•    Contextual Safeguarding
•    County Lines Exploitation Guidance
•    Domestic abuse identifying risks
•    Guidance on FGM
•    Information Sharing Advice for practitioners
•    NSPCC's guidance to types of abuse
•    NSPCC - Guidance on protecting Deaf and disabled children and young people from abuse
•    NSPCC - Keeping children safe online | NSPCC
•    Safer Internet Centre
•    Surrey Education Services
•    Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board
•    Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures
•    Resilience Presentation