Physical health and activity
As part of the Self-Evaluation Form (SEF), at our school we continually review our Physical health and activity programme
Our journey

- Ofsted highlighted that pupils' physical development is central to the curriculum, with outstanding therapeutic integrated support
- Students became active on the "Path to Paris" challenge. Their active minutes (walkers, swimming, dance, bench sitting) powered the class's virtual journey to the Paralympics
- In collaboration with the Royal Ballet, the Opera House, and Sounds of Intent, the school has embarked on a journey to support an enhanced movement framework
- Extended physical targets beyond the ImPACTs curriculum (Individualised, (meaningful), Profile, Assessment, Curriculum, Target, Setting). Sourced the MOVE programme, an activity based framework that enables more independence
- Raised awareness and knowledge of the benefits of the MOVE programme
- Under the Move programme, 20 of our staff trained as MOVE practitioners and 10 staff trained as MOVE senior practitioners
- Purchased a robotic trainer
- Development of the physical curriculum beyond ImPACTs through the sourcing of MOVE (Mobility Opportunities Via Education)

- Physical wellbeing key focus area through the reshape of the reconnection and recovery curriculum
- Pilot of a robotic trainer offering children with complex movement disabilities the opportunity to stand, move and exercise
- Rebound therapy commenced following Covid-19
- Whole site physical event ‘Parallels with a sensory 360’ took place
- Individualised moving and handling passport implemented
- CPIPS (Cerebral Palsy Integrated Pathway Scotland) data collected, postural assessments completed and 24-hour postural management plans in place
- School development action plan ‘Get Outside And Learn – GOAL’ drives physical curricular offer to maximise physical engagement.
- Extended specialist approaches including weekend family swims and specialist rebound therapy sessions

- Enrichment offer responding to individual interest, choice and preference of physical activity
- ‘Universal’ tier multidisciplinary whole school approach to physical health and activity
- School nurse team win the ‘Burdett Prize’ for their work on physical wellbeing through rebound & outdoor physical activity
- Increased swimming provision

- Multi-tiered approach designed to support physical development interventions across education, health and care
- Extension of physical outdoor play scoped for early years development and sensory sheltered sessions
- Staff training for aquatics sessions

- Physical development baselined for each child using ImPACTs (Individualised, (meaningful), Profile, Assessment, Curriculum, Target, Setting)
- Identified age respectful physical sessions
- Staff training on safe practice in rebound therapy
Jan 2016

- Physical development directed by the physiotherapy team through school week
- Nature walks to support sessions within school day
- Physiotherapy led sessions in the hydrotherapy pool and on trampoline