Tadworth Tots nursery

We welcome all children to Tadworth Tots and as we are located in a school for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), we have the skills and knowledge to support children with a wide range of needs.

Offering both morning and afternoon sessions to children aged 2-5, Tadworth Tots nursery is located within The Children’s Trust School, set within a 24-acre woodland site.

We have particular strength and experience in supporting children with:

  •  brain injury or neurological difficulties

  •  degenerative conditions

  •  complex health needs e.g. tracheostomy, assisted ventilation and suction

  •  complex learning and education needs

  •  daily medical intervention including medication giving and nursing care

  •  daily therapeutic needs including speech and language, occupational therapy and physiotherapy

  •  sensory impairments - visual, hearing or multi-sensory

If you a have a child with additional learning needs, they don’t usually have an EHCP. If following a period of assessment it is felt that an EHCP is required the nursery will work with parents to initiate the process.

Our EYFS curriculum

Pupils in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) benefit most from learning through a mixture of play, sensory experiences and more structured individual and group sessions. The EYFS curriculum is based on the following areas outlined in the statutory framework:

The ‘Prime’ areas:                                                                   

  1. Communication and language                                                   
  2. Physical development                                                               
  3. Personal, Social and Emotional development                         

The 'Specific' areas:                                                                                                 

  1. Mathematics
  2. Literacy
  3. Expressive arts and design
  4. Understanding the world

Successful and meaningful learning for nursery pupils is shaped by the EYFS and a strong focus is given to the three prime areas of learning:

  •  Communication and language

  •  Physical development

  •  Personal, social and emotional development

Each area of learning and development is delivered by skilled staff through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities. Nursery pupils also have access to available school resources including yoga, aquatic swim sessions, soft play, multi-sensory rooms, specialist music and Resonant Tails. Our Nursery are welcome to attend school lunch clubs which they can select according to their interests. 


Children attending Tadworth Tots nursery can be funded by their entitled hours (15/30 hours per week) and additional sessions can be funded either by the child’s local authority or privately by the parents/family. 

Making an enquiry

For further information on our services or to make a placement enquiry, email placements@thechildrenstrust.org.uk or call us on 01737 365 080.