We recognise and respect individual communication modes and ensure that all staff are skilled in supporting each child's preferred communication methods such as Eye gaze, TaSSeLs (Tactile Signing for Sensory Learners), Makaton, Picture Symbols.
Our goal is to ensure that every child feels heard and understood. We observe and actively listen to their communication, taking their expressions and signals seriously. Communication is prioritised in every aspect of our school, from timetabled sessions to daily routines and interactions. We understand that all behaviours serve as a form of communication, and we strive to interpret and respond appropriately.
In our approach to literacy, we recognise that "reading" extends beyond the traditional written word. We embrace a broader understanding of reading that includes interpreting and comprehending information through objects, pictures, assistive technology equipment, audio, and other modes of communication that are accessible to our children. By expanding our concept of reading, we ensure that all children have meaningful opportunities to engage with and understand the world around them.